I can smell myself through my pants. Why?

If you have a vagina and googling ”I can smell myself through my pants” – don’t worry – it’s a surprisingly popular search phrase and it’s okay if you, too, just looked it up. 

As humans, we get used to our own smell and only notice when there is a sudden change or too much of it. While deodorants and restoring your healthy microbiome could help with typical body odors (think: sweat and underarms), there are a few more things going on below the belt. 

We are not going to talk about the obvious hygiene issues that could be addressed with an extra shower, most likely this is not what you are looking for. Let’s talk about a specific set of scents that you can address (and how) and the circumstances when it’s better to see a doctor.

First of all, if it’s something you NEVER smelled before and besides the smell, the discharge looks unusual, and/or you are experiencing any of the following: 

  • Itching or burning,
  • Vaginal pain (including during sex),
  • Unusually thick discharge resembling cottage cheese curds,
  • Or vaginal bleeding unrelated to your period,

…then you must see a doctor asap.

Now that we get these symptoms out of the way, here are a few reasons why you might smell yourself through your pants.


Stress causes excessive sweating. Apocrine glands, which are located in the hairiest places (armpits and groin) respond to emotions. When they do, they produce lipid-rich sweat and thicker milky fluid

The fluids produced by the apocrine gland are odorless. However, they are produced in the groin and are mixed with other fluids from your intimate parts. Moreover, the bacteria on your skin feed on the nutritious compounds of the sweat and release body odor. All these factors summed up lead to your smelling yourself through your pants.

Your first impulse can be to grab a feminine spray or body deodorant. When you use them in your intimate area, they mix with the smells you already have. But your goal is to prevent the stink, not cover it. We would recommend using acidifying CREAM which is designed specifically for the groin, underarms, and chest. You will keep sweating like you’re supposed to, but your sweat will be odorless and you will have less odor-producing bacteria.

Pre-period (midcycle) change in hormones 

Female hormones go through several changes during one menstrual cycle. With these changes, you may notice a difference in your mood, physical condition, and body odor. 

The follicular phase starts at the beginning of your period and lasts for about two weeks after. This is when the hormone estradiol starts to increase. The ovulatory phase is when the luteinizing hormone starts to induce ovulation. And the luteal phase – pre-period phase – is when the progesterone hormone increases. Studies show that higher levels of estradiol make females smell more attractive, and on the contrary, higher levels of progesterone make women’s natural odor less appealing. So you can notice stronger BO before your period, as progesterone rises after ovulation, peaking in the luteal phase. The luteal phase is also when women can experience more stress than usual, so, more sweating.

To remove the excessive discharge or simply wipe clean after using the bathroom, try acidifying WipeGel with prebiotics. WipeGel has a pH of 4.6 and is perfect for supporting a healthy microbiome.


There are a few times when this is especially relevant: 

– During periods,

– When there is no chance to take a shower,

– When suffering from vaginal discharge.

Good intimate hygiene during your period is essential for both your health and comfort. Periods are so messy that Comedian Michelle Wolf even compares them to a ”crime scene”.  

Your vaginal flora is acidic  – normal vaginal pH ranges between 3.8 and 5.0. And your blood is alkaline and has a pH of over 7. So blood rises the pH of your intimate area. Blood plasma also contains vitamins and nutrients such as glucose and amino acids, which bacteria consume, and their population grows. Thus, you not only have stronger odor in your intimate area, but vaginal flora also gets more vulnerable to opportunistic bacteria and yeast during and after a period.

Generally, a simple rinse with warm water should be enough to battle this issue. However, when you are on the go, and can’t wash after going to the bathroom even not having a period, the smells of urine and poop can accumulate in your pants. To avoid this disappointment, you can also keep a pair of clean underwear in your purse. Or use WipeGel for freshening up. It’s way better than wet wipes, as it has no chemicals in them and is 100% flushable. We also have a mini travel version of WipeGel, which is super convenient to take anywhere you go.

And what about vaginal odor? Some vaginal odor is normal for every woman and only requires rinsing your vulva with warm water once or twice a day. But if you feel like you need extra support for your microbiome in the shower, try WASH. It will restore healthy pH and naturally prevent body odor and infections. And if you are on the go – use  WipeGel instead of wet wipes. Wet wipes have way too many chemicals that will irritate your skin and cause even more bacterial imbalance.

But if you feel like the odor is getting out of hand and you notice an unusual discharge, it means there is an infection or bacterial overgrowth.

Bacterial vaginosis

Bacterial vaginosis is a result of bacterial imbalance, which can be caused by:

  • Douching and usage of perfumed products in the intimate area, 
  • Unprotected sex, 
  • IUD (contraception device), 
  • Hormonal changes.

If you are dealing with the symptoms like itching, or burning, especially during urination, thin white or gray discharge, and a strong fish-like odor, run tests with your doctor to make sure what you have.

Once you know the reason is bacterial vaginosis, acidifying WipeGel with 30% witch hazel and prebiotics could be a helpful addition to the treatment prescribed by your doctor. It will reduce inflammation and itching associated with BV and promote healthy flora growth.

Yeast infections

Yeast infections are often confused with bacterial vaginosis, some of their symptoms are similar. Things that trigger yeast overgrowth include:

  • Antibiotics and other medicine, 
  • Pregnancy,
  • Hormonal contraceptives,
  • The weakened immune system, 
  • Poor hygiene habits (like douching), etc.

All of the above cause pH imbalance. Normal vaginal pH is slightly acidic, and when it increases, the bacteria start to grow. 

Witch hazel is an astringent with anti-inflammatory properties, so it can help with yeast infection symptoms

  • Itching, irritation, and burning,
  • Redness and swelling,
  • Pain and soreness, 
  • Thick white or yellow discharge, etc.

But can witch hazel cure yeast infections? As of today, science is not certain about it and more research is required. If you are looking for a natural remedy, it is worth trying, but consult your doctor about the potential risks and benefits first. 

What’s important here is to choose a “good kind” of witch hazel. As many witch hazel extracts are made with alcohol, they will dry your skin and throw off your pH even more. In WipeGel, we use alcohol-free witch hazel preserved with benzoic acid. 

How to apply witch hazel to the vagina?

First of all, you don’t need to “clean” your vagina with witch hazel. The vagina is a self-cleaning organ, and when you clean it too much or douche, you only cause bacterial imbalance.

If you are planning to use witch hazel, choose an alcohol-free product. 

  1. Soak a cotton pad in witch hazel, dab your sensitive spot a couple of times a day, or leave it on. This method is best for vaginal discomfort (itching, burning, or irritation).
  2. Make an ice pack or a compress with witch hazel. This is especially great when there is inflammation.
  3. Apply a drop of witch hazel gel to your toilet paper and wipe with it every time you use the restroom. You can also use WipeGel as a leave-on.

Why witch hazel?

Centuries ago Native Americans boiled witch-hazel stems and applied the resulting liquid to sore muscles, cuts, insect bites, piles, and inflammations. And we keep using the benefits of witch hazel till the present day. 

Witch hazel is a botanical astringent. It is added to many products in the form of an extract. The extract can be made with alcohol and without alcohol. In WipeGel, we use water-based witch hazel preserved with benzoic acid. It means WipeGel is alcohol-free and will not dry your gentle perineal and perianal skin.

Witch hazel provides an anti-inflammatory effect. So when applied topically, it helps with itching, redness, pain, and swelling. 

Given that WipeGel has pH 4.6 and prebiotics, it will slightly acidify your skin and promote the growth of beneficial bacteria, suppressing opportunistic ones.

Vaginal dryness

Witch hazel provides soothing effects, maintains healthy pH levels, tissue softness, and elasticity. But does it provide a moisturizing effect?

In 2017, a study examined the effectiveness of a witch hazel cream in alleviating vaginal dryness symptoms. The cream was tested on 20 postmenopausal women, with an impressive 80% (16 women) reporting improvements in dryness. However, due to the study’s limited sample size, the results remain inconclusive.

If you are looking for a natural alternative to topical estrogen, consider natural vitamin E. It is a savior for women going through menopause who don’t want to resort to hormonal remedies. SALVE has 20% of natural vitamin E and 5% of gorgonian extract. 

Check out the post about the benefits of topical vitamin E during and after menopause, pregnancy, and even hemorrhoids. 

And if you are going through peri- postmenopause, you may find this post useful.

Let’s go over the ways witch hazel can be helpful

  1. Stress sweating.
  2. Midcycle odor.
  3. Vaginal infections and bacterial overgrowth.
  4. Rebalancing healthy pH. 
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