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Smell fresh down there

Target the root cause: microbiome imbalance

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smell like nothing

Yes! These work! Just a few days before my periods, my vagina likes to announce its presence to the world to the point that I can smell myself through my pants. Not anymore! These babies help me to smell like my usual self right away. Use a liner!!!


The microbiome: your invisible shield

your vagina hosts trillions of bacteria—most of them are beneficial.

A healthy vaginal microbiome prevents the growth of odor-causing bacteria. But it does more than keep you fresh

A healthy vaginal flora:

  • Prevents urinary tract infections (1)
  • Prevents yeast and BV infections (2)
  • Decreases your susceptibility to STDs (3)
  • Supports a full-term pregnancy (4).

what is this smell?

Sometimes, the beneficial bacteria need help.

The microbiome of your vagina is complex and fluctuates based on your hormones and activities.

Use our SUPPOSITORIES to keep your microbiome happy, especially when wearing synthetic clothing, sweating, or when hormones are fluctuating (a few days before the period or right after).

defend your microbiome at all costs

If your microbiome gets disrupted, you can experience these issues:

Body Odor




aim at the root cause

Bullet suppository with lctoferrin

kill the bad bacteria and help the good

When dealing with an out-of-whack microbiome, you want to support the beneficial bacteria while reducing the amount of unwanted bacteria. These ingredients do just that.

Lactoferrin: A superhero that stops the bad bacteria from growing and messes up their ability to invade our cells.

Probiotics: 15 billion colony-forming units of well-studied vagina-friendly probiotic strains right where you need them: Lactobacillus crispatus, L. Acidophilus, L. Rhamnosus, L. Reuteri. 

absolutely fragrance-free

And full of ingredients to stop odor-causing bacteria

Your genitals do not need to smell like tropical flowers, mint, or tea tree oil. Instead, smell like the best version of a healthy you (without body odor).

premium ingredients for your microbiome


Our Serum is light-pink due to the high concentration of Lactoferrin: your genital’s BFF—an antibacterial protein & prebiotic in one.


15 billion colony-forming units of Lactobacillus Crispatus, Lactobacillus Reuteri, Lactobacillus Acidophilus, Lactobacillus Rhamnosus.

Hyaluronic acid

Support healthy vaginal moisture at any age. Keeps tissues lubricated and moisturized.

shop zerotaboos Suppositories

Designed to immediately neutralize odor and support healthy microbiome with regular use.

suppository with probiotics and lactoferrin and hyaluronic acid

5 suppositories



Intermittent vaginal odor that comes and goes depending on your cycle (if the change is sudden and persistent – talk to your doctor) is the result of an overgrowth of unwanted bacteria. Let your good bacteria dominate. Achieve less odor in five days.

  • NOTICEABLE decrease in vaginal odor after five nights of continuous use. Support beneficial bacteria that suppress odor-causing bacteria & promote a healthy microbiome.
  • SAFE & GENTLE. We do not use emulsifiers, parabens, or preservatives. The suppositories are made from 
  • SUPPRESS the growth of bacteria that cause odor naturally.
  • FREE FROM: Sulfate-free, paraben-free, fragrance-free, no essential oils.
  • Organic Deodorized Cocoa Butter
  • Lactoferrin
  • Lactobacillus Crispatus
  • Lactobacillus Reuteri
  • Lactobacillus Acidophilus
  • Lactobacillus Rhamnosus
  • Hyaluronic Acid.

studies we like

BVBacterial biota of women with bacterial vaginosis treated with lactoferrin: an open prospective randomized trial
"Lactoferrin shows positive results for treating bacterial vaginosis in women suffering from recurrent BV and yeast infections. Lactoferrin significantly improves the symptoms such as vaginal discharge and itching."
Healthy FloraEffects of lactoferrin in 6 patients with refractory bacterial vaginosis
"Lactoferrin significantly improved the vaginal bacterial flora. Lactobacillus, which was detectable in the vaginas of all patients after one month of Lactoferrin therapy, gradually became dominant."
BV & AVAntifungal Activity of Xylitol against Candida albicans: An in vivo Study
" In this study, we have analyzed the antimicrobial activity of two commercially existing probiotic strains, L. rhamnosus HN001 and L. acidophilus GLA-14 ... against four different pathogens responsible for BV (G. vaginalis and A. vaginae) or AV (S. aureus and E. coli). ..."
E. coliLactoferrin: an iron-binding antimicrobial protein against Escherichia coli infection
"...these results suggest that LF could be a novel natural protein in the treatment and prevention of infections with E. coli or antibiotic-resistant bacteria strains."

Frequently asked questions

Wash your hands, take the suppository out of the protective shell, insert inside of the vagina as far as you can and go to bed :) Use a pantyliner since the bullet will melt relatively quick and you want to catch all that extra cocoa butter.

These suppositories are not meant to treat an active infection. Use them in cycles (five nights in the row) or when needed (one at a time) right before or after the periods to support healthy flora. If you no longer have periods, choose the schedule that helps you achieve the best results. 

Look, this would be a medical claim. We know what the ingredients are capable of; we hope they help you support the best version of yourself and your flora :)

Start a chat! Leave your email so we can reach you if you are disconnected.

Customer Reviews

Based on 4 reviews
Works great for me!

I received antibiotics during labor. Never had a UTI or any other issues prior. Have had 2 UTIs postpartum. I used one round of these and have noticed a great improvement in wellness already. I would highly recommend these as a natural option for someone looking to improve her wellness.

Simone J.
The suppositories work!

So far, so good! I feel a lot more confident!

Lydia H.
So Far So Good

The suppository is good. If pee right after insert there's some irritation but nothing to write home about, for sure. Really good from the 1st use. Have only used 2 but will definitely order again when done.

Kaycee V.


Links to sources:

  1. ANN E. STAPLETON. Microbiol Spectr. 2016 Dec:
    The Vaginal Microbiota and Urinary Tract Infection
  2. Fabiana Superti, and Francesco De Seta. Published online 2020 Jan 17. :Warding Off Recurrent Yeast and Bacterial Vaginal Infections: Lactoferrin and Lactobacilli
  3.  J Clin Invest. 2011 Dec 1: Vaginal microbiome and sexually transmitted infections: an epidemiologic perspective
  4. Paulina Gawel , Barbara Krolak-Olejnik; Ginekologia Polska 2023; 94, 7: 570–580: Lactoferrin supplementation during pregnancy — a review of the literature and current recommendations
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